12 July 2006

Iraqi sovereignty update

moved up to front with updated info

Apropos of the Australian occupation forces, Iraqis, even those associated with the Australian-recognised and supposedly-sovereign government, have the right to die, the enquiry into the events of the week before last has found.

Note that there was no investigation by the Iraqi authorities; clearly, Australians in Iraq are not subject to Iraqi law. (It's worth noting that the handful of American murderers whose crimes have been brought to light are similarly not being charged under the jurisdiction in which the crimes were committed). Rather, the only rules that Australian troops are subject to are their own 'rules of engagement', formulated by their own masters. Apparently, if they post signs on their vehicles asserting their right to kill, then they have that right.

Particularly gruesome is the fact that their right kill people who drive in a suspect manner near them, includes a right to inflict collateral damage, i.e. to shoot bystanders not even complicit in the original shonky driving.

Update updates:

It now (Wednesday 12 July) turns out that the ADF enquiry did not interview any Iraqis (their testimony is presumably unreliable on racial grounds), nor even attempt to find out how many Iraqis were killed in the incident, though they now intend, after having exonerated their troops, and under pressure from the Iraqi 'government', to rectify this.